75 ans de la libération d’Auschwitz

Soixante-quinze ans après la libération d’Auschwitz, des survivants de l’Holocauste, toujours moins nombreux, se réunissent ce lundi 27 janvier 2020 sur ce site pour honorer plus d’un million de victimes, principalement des Juifs, au milieu de nouvelles inquiétudes face à l’antisémitisme resurgissant.

Venus du monde entier, plus de 200 survivants sont attendus sur le site de l’ancien camp nazi d’Auschwitz, situé dans le sud de la Pologne, pour partager leurs témoignages entendus comme un avertissement grave après une récente vague d’attaques antisémites des deux côtés de l’Atlantique.

Voici ci dessous le poème réalisé en classe par les élèves de Terminale L, lors d’un « creative writing », pour commémorer le 75e anniversaire de la libération d’Auschwitz.


Commemoration of the Liberation of Auschwitz

Terminale L, Lycée Pierre et Marie Curie, Menton

Thursday 23 rd January

Six million Jews coming out of the mist,

Killed, slaughtered by the Nazis

Killed like cows in slaughter houses with numbers on their wrists.

Most of them had forgotten who they used to be,

They will never be forgotten

And those acts will never be forgiven

And it must never happen again.

Nowadays, antisemitism is rising up again

And we must rise against it.

Not only antisemitism but also other genocides

Are happening around the world from many sides

And we must take action against it

For the sake of humanity.

Six million Jews coming out of the mist,

That hell has terrorized an entire generation :

Lives have been destroyed. Nightmare-like years !

Horror ! Blood ! Violence !

Children’s cries, adults’ cries ; how to rebuild

Your life on ruins ? It hurts so much when I think about

My people’s past ! How did we get here ? Mum, I don’t

Understand ! Mum, rescue me from this hell !

Mum, you left, you ‘re not here, anymore !

How am going to do ? Hashem’s love is my weapon

In the suffering !

The Torah has always been my guide in this illusory world.

Six million Jews coming out of the mist,

Six million souls running out from the beast

Six million hearts joining the other world

Six million swords not as strong as a word

Six million innocent minds locked up in hell

Six million deprived of their own death.

Six million Jews coming out of the mist,

They are here but we have forgotten that they exist,

They have come back like zombies,

With dying body and broken memory,

They want to remind us of what has happened to them

So that it does not happen again.

Six million Jews coming out of the mist,

A tragedy that should never exist!

We must remember their suffering,

While our life keeps going on

Despite their humanity that was torn

They were heroes even without knowing it!

Six million Jews coming out of the mist,

One million were killed in Auschwitz, at least!

Even after the liberation,

Nobody was able to move on

They could go home

And, maybe, believe in freedom.

No one was able to hide

And no soldier could walk away with pride.

No one should forget this terrible genocide.

Six million Jews coming out of the mist,

One million killed in Auschwitz,

All coming from North, West, South or East.

As soon as they arrived, to the darkest corner

Their lives changed and their hearts were shattered.

Humans’ cruelty, we must remember

How they took their family and humanity!

Don’t let this happen again,

Fight for freedom and memory.

We don’t want any more pain.

Six million Jews coming out of the mist,

Today is the commemoration of the liberation from the beast.

Who could believe that, in there, they were treated like this?

But six million Jews are coming out of the abyss.

Today is the day when Jews could come out of Auschwitz

Six million finally coming out of the mist

It can not belong to the past because the pain still exists,

Which is why we must all commemorate it.

Terminale L

Thursday 23rd January